Short Description




FEATURES Corral 10000 feed provides high levels of Total Digestible Nutrients. Enriched with Vital Vitamins A, D3, E and Yeast Culture Balanced Nutritious Diet for Lactating Animals with higher digestibility RECOMMENDATION Feed for COWS yielding upto 25 litres Days Corral 8000 Feed can be given with any kind of silage or forages For high yielding animals having production more than 25 Lt. per day FEEDING PATTERN Feeding to be done twice in a day Feeding rate is 1 Kg feed per 2.5 Kg of milk Additional 1Kg feed to be given for body maintenance of the animal BENEFITS Increases the milk yield along with optimising the FAT and SNF in milk Maintains body weight and BCS as it reduces body FAT mobilisation Improves Reproduction Improves Immunity

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